Car Hit By Redi-Mix Concrete Truck

Full Case Name:

Haas v. Redi-Mix Inc.,


District Court, Tarrant County, Texas

Case Number:

NO. 342171014-97 (1998)


Significant Legal Issues or Holdings:

Plaintiff Characteristics:  age, work history, earnings, family, etc.


Richard Hass

Sex: Male

Married: Yes

Liability Facts:

Redi-Mix Inc. agreed to pay the widow, estate and children of Richard Haas, who was killed when his car was hit by a Redi-Mix concrete truck in June 1996. Plaintiffs charged that the truck's driver had had less than eight hours off the night before the accident and had been driving for 15 hours straight, in violation of federal law

Describe Physical Injuries by Plaintiff:

Describe Special Damages by Plaintiff:

Plaintiff Experts & Specialty (Name/Address/Phone)

Defense Experts & Specialty (Name/Address/Phone)

Plaintiff Attorney(s)

Frank L. Branson, The Law Offices of Frank L. Branson, P.C. Dallas, TX

As submitting plaintiff’s attorney, based on historical data in my files, it is my belief that the facts contained herein are accurate.  APITLAmerica® has requested and I am giving permission for it to use this case in its website and newsletters to other attorneys.

Submitted by:

Plaintiff Attorney:

Frank L. Branson

Phone: 214-522-0200                 Fax: 214-521-5485


Highland Park Place, Suite 1800

4514 Cole Avenue

Email Address:


Dallas, Texas 75205


Putting the Brakes on Unsafe Trucking Companies